My Fleshlight REVIEW AND OPINION ON THE Stamina Training Unit (STU)

What guy doesn’t want to last longer in bed and impress his lady? Premature ejaculation is, however, something that many men suffer from and I, for once, must admit, hand on heart, that I know exactly how that feels like.
Even if you have an understanding girlfriend who won’t make fun of you or say something nasty, like I heard from others – that’s a really bad experience – you will know that she’s disappointed. I have a nice lady in my life, and I decided to try to do something about my ‘little’ problem, so she could start enjoying sex as much as I do.
This got me to try the Fleshlight STU, a sex toy that is more than just for having fun. This is not the only fleshlight I have, but STU proved to be more than just a cool way to get myself off. I found this version to be especially great for training to last longer in bed. This is my fleshlight review and how STU helped me make my girlfriend – and myself – more satisfied in the bedroom.
Why is it called Stamina Training Unit?
Unlike a regular fleshlight, this one is so tight and puts so much pressure – really pleasurable, I must admit – that it will make you go off within a few pumps. How would such a thing help a guy with premature ejaculation? Well, it’s a mind game, the more you last with STU, the more you last in bed … with your lady friend.
I tried this toy and I must say that I am more than satisfied with the results. Here are its main benefits:
- Helps you with your staying power
- Makes you a better lover
- Your orgasms are getting MUCH better
- Helps you increase control over your ejaculation
Fleshlight STU vs pills
Male enhancement pills are all good and they help you get healthier, but they are of no use in regards to teaching you how to be a better lover. This is where I think the Fleshlight STU is better than pills or any supplements you may want to take.
When you use the unit, you are basically engaging in a real challenge. Resisting more becomes a goal, and trust me, after using it for a couple of weeks, I noticed some pretty amazing changes. And so did my girlfriend.
I am not saying you should not try pills. Some are great for boosting testosterone and for helping you with erections. But the Fleshlight STU is much better and it gives you just the best training for enhancing your bedroom performance.
Fleshlight STU vs Sasha Grey UR3 Deep Throat Pocket Pal Masturbator Flesh
I bet you know who Sasha Grey is … and probably you have fantasized about having her pleasure you with her sexy lips. However, if I compare the Fleshlight STU to the Sasha Grey UR3 Deep Throat Pocket Pal Masturbator Flesh, I must say that the first wins the comparison hands down.

First of all, the materials the STU is made of are superior. Second, the shape of the Sasha Grey sex toy is just plain weird. I like fantasizing about sexy porn stars, but I find it creepy to use a part that looks like her mouth, but it’s completely out of context.
The main problem, however, after I used both – blame it on my curiosity, what can I say – is that the deep throat toy is by no means close to the sensations the STU can give you. I guess this is where the superiority of materials and of execution comes into play.
What can I tell you? If you like Sasha Grey that badly, watch her movies. If you like really cool sensations and a good tool to enhance your stamina, use the STU. You can even watch Sasha Grey in action while at it, although that may not help with your ejaculation control too well. Jokes aside, I honestly think the Fleshlight STU is superior in every way.
What did I get from using the Fleshlight STU?
At first, I found it really difficult to last for too long when using the training unit. I usually came apart in just a few pumps, but I am a stubborn man and I decided to try some more. After a few weeks, I was finally getting to last to about 20 pumps. What happened in the bedroom? I managed to last a bit over 5 minutes. Maybe that doesn’t sound like much, but I was finally able to last three times longer than I usually did.
My goal is to resist more. People say that if you get to last 10 minutes with the STU, you will be able to resist in bed for up to 20 minutes. I bet my girlfriend will be delighted, and I know I am on my way there.
Last words
Their shipping policy is based on discretion, so I have no issue with them. I am more than satisfied with how my sex life changed lately due to using this fleshlight on a regular basis. In a nutshell, this is what I got:
- I experienced stronger erections
- My orgasms became much better
- My lady is really excited about my performance now
- I have a much less sensitive penis head
- I resist three times longer when I have sex
I totally recommend this product. Even if it feels like too much at start, once you begin using it, you will notice tremendous changes in your sex life.